Your Homework
Please Read Carefully...
First off, congratulations!

We are looking forward to speaking with you about potentially working together to build the Kingdom and proud of you for thinking and believing big!

Here is your homework.  

Do this in the order below.  This will help you get the most out of your Discovery Call!

NOTE: if you've booked your Discovery Call within the past 24 hours, do your best to get through this homework.

There is no need to cancel if you don't get all of it done.
We understand it takes a minute and will cover what you missed on the discovery call.

1: Review this 4 minute video walking you through the Christian Business Incubator Course demonstrating how you're supported in getting results.  Click here to view. 

2: Review this 5 minute video on "What Is A Course?"  Click here to view. 

3: Review this 3 minute video on "How Will People Find My Course? How Will I Make Money?"  Click here to view. 

4: Review this 13 minute video on "What Is My Market Gift? How Will I Get Clear?"  Click here to view.

5: Invest 15-20 distraction-free minutes (that means to turn your phone off) and brainstorm your "Market Gift," Vision, and Dreams. 
Do this with old fashioned pen and paper, which fully engage our brains, vs. typing, which doesn't. 

Pray about this question: "What sort of Life Experience, Knowledge, or Expertise do you have that could help someone?" and remember 1 Peter 4:10 – "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."

Another way to think about this is to ask yourself: "What is it that people have come to you for help with?"

Jot down whatever comes to mind.

If it's unclear, that's fine.  We are experts at "extracting" this with you.

In proverbs 29:18, Solomon said: "Without vision, people perish." It's critical you spend some quality time and pray and think about where you want to be in three months, six months, 12 months, and three years.
Vision is the second item we will be discussing.

6: Download the Kingdom Kit and review the information (Click here for the kit)
Systems are the third item we will be discussing. 

7: Be in prayer with your spouse (if you have one) to get God's direction for your life with this project.  If it is evident that this is not the right time, then please give us the courtesy of texting us so we can give your spot to another applicant.  

And if you're truly ready for change, I invite you to consider praying the Dangerous Prayer in the Kingdom Kit.

8: Once your homework is completed, if you'd like, we invite you to to review the testimonials below and invest a few minutes reading our Christian Entrepreneurship articles.
Don't take our word for it...
Here's what our members are saying.
We have over 300 5 Star Video Testimonials.
And growing...
Here is a taste... (edited for brevity)
Still On The Fence?
Clients Love Our Support!
We offer over 5 zoom calls a week...
Can't I Do This On My Own?
Clients LOVE Our Mentoring!
Still Not Sure?
A Few Notes On Our Testimonials: 

Our members are amazing Kingdom-minded Christians who believe the word, trust God at His word, think and believe big, step out in Faith, work hard, and are focused on serving our Lord, His Mission, and the Body of Christ. 

They are our heroes.   

However, most people who participate in any type of "program" don't do squat.

Our members aren't most people. 

As much as we would like to share specific financial details of our members' success stories with everyone, we want to direct your attention to review over 300 testimonials of people who have had a great experience with the Incubator.

We hope you understand that what someone else has done (in our Incubator or any other program, for that matter) has zero bearing on what another person can or will do.

Not only could sharing these details compromise our members' personal information, privacy, and security (which we protect with a vengeance and take extremely seriously), it's also against the law, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Testimonials with income statements are seen as "Claims" by the FTC. 

The FTC believes that if we display those types of testimonials, then in essence, we are saying that if Johnny made $30k/mo, that you can too.  The FTC takes these violations very seriously.  They can fine violators and bring legal action against them.

Unlike many "marketers" out there who try to skirt this situation, use the "Dark Arts" of social proofing and the psychology of persuasion, we operate in wisdom and don't even play that game.

We believe that Spirit-filled Christian Entrepreneurs can make wise decisions absent all of these manipulation systems.

So don't ask. If you do, you will be ignored.

Your success is 100% up to you. Period.

Look in the mirror and see the boss.

You are the head and not the tail.

What we can share and do share is our members' experience with the Christian Business Incubator (CBI). 

We take great pride in the positive responses we receive from our members about their experience with CBI.

We hope we can add your name to this list.

We have a new testimonial collection system and haven't allocated the time yet to consolidate. It's not a priority. What is a priority is continuing to support members, so they are happy to leave more 5 star reviews.

If any of the items above will keep you up at night, then we are NOT the incubator for you.
Please go elsewhere. 

These are incredible butt-kicking, world-changing Christian Entrepreneurs with a Kingdom mindset, and we are so so proud of them.

If they can do it, maybe you can too... 

That is if you've got the guts to trust God and take Him at His word. 
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